Daily Lectionary Readings

Service Schedule

In the following table we use the pictogram to represent a plumeria flower, which is common to the Island of Maui. Whenever a red plumeria appears next to a service date, it means that the Maui Mission is planning to hold a service on that day. A gold color one indicates a completed service.


Triodion (Feb - May) | Pentecostarion (May - Jun) | Menológion (Jul - Aug) | Menológion (Sep - Dec)


Menológion (Jan - Feb) | Triodion (Feb - Apr) | Pentecostarion (May - Jul) | Menológion (Jul - Sep) | Menológion (Sep - Dec)


Menológion (Jan - Feb) | Triodion (Feb - Apr) | Pentecostarion (Apr - Jul) | Menológion (Jul - Sep) | Menológion (Sep - Dec)


Menológion (Jan - Feb) | Triodion (Feb - May) | Pentecostarion (May - Jul) | Menológion (Jul - Aug) | Menológion (Sep - Dec)

Menológion (September — December 2023)

Immovable feasts from the beginning of the ecclesiastical year to the end of the calander year

The Octoëchos system with an 8-week cycle

13th Sunday of Matthew — Mode 4
Anthimos of Nicomedea; Theoctistus and Euthymius 03 Sep 2023
Joachim & Anna; Severianos of Sebaste 09 Sep 2023

Sunday Before Holy Cross — Mode Pl. 1
Menodora, Metrodora, Nymphodora, Poulcheria the Empress 10 Sep 2023
Euphemia the Great Martyr; Melitina the Martyr 16 Sep 2023

Sunday After Holy Cross — Mode Pl. 2
Sophia, Faith, Hope, Love; Herakleides & Myron 17 Sep 2023
Conception of John the Baptist; Xanthippe & Polyxene 23 Sep 2023

1st Sunday of Luke — Mode Pl. 3 (Varys)
Thekla the Equal-to-the-Apostles; Silouan of Athos 24 Sep 2023
Gregory, Bishop of Armenia; Mardonios & Stratonikos 30 Sep 2023

2nd Sunday of Luke — Mode Pl. 4
Holy Protection of Theotokos; Ananias, Apostle of the 70; Romanos the Melodist 1 Oct 2023
Sergius & Bacchus of Syria; Polychronios the Hieromartyr 07 Oct 2023

3rd Sunday of Luke — Mode 1
Pelagia the Righteous; Pelagia of Antioch 08 Oct 2023
Nazarios, Gervasios, Protasios, & Celsius; Kosmas the Hagiopolite 14 Oct 2023

Sunday of the 7th Ecumenical Council — Mode 2
Loukianos of Antioch; Savinos, Bishop of Catania 15 Oct 2023
Hilarion the Great; Relics of Christodoulos of Patmos 21 Oct 2023

6th Sunday of Luke — Mode 3
Averkios of Hierapolis 22 Oct 2023
Holy Protection of the Theotokos; Terrence and Eunice 28 Oct 2023

7th Sunday of Luke — Mode 4
Anastasia of Rome; Avramios & Maria 29 Oct 2023
Ioannikos the Great; Nikandros, Bishop of Myra 04 Nov 2023

5thSunday of Luke — Mode Pl. 1
Galaktion & Episteme of Emesa; Hermas of the 70 05 Nov 2023
Menas of Egypt; Victor and Stephanie 11 Nov 2023

8th Sunday of Luke — Mode Pl. 2
John the Merciful of Alexandria; Nilus the Ascetic of Sinai 12 Nov 2023
Plato of Ancyra; Victor and Stephanie 18 Nov 2023

9th Sunday of Luke — Mode Pl. 3 (Varys)
Obadiah the Prophet; Barlaam of Caesarea 19 Nov 2023
Katherine the Great Martyr; Mercurios the Great Martyr 25 Nov 2023

13th Sunday of Luke — Mode Pl. 4
Alypios of Adrianopolis; Nicon Metanoete; Stylianos of Paphlagonia 26 Nov 2023
Habakkuk the Prophet; Cyril of Phileus 02 Dec 2023

14th Sunday of Luke — Mode 1
Zephaniah the Prophet; John, Bishop and Hesychast 03 Dec 2023
Conception of the Theotokos; Anna the Prophetess 09 Dec 2023

10th Sunday of Luke — Mode 2
Menas, Hermogenes, Eugraphos; Thomas of Bithynia 10 Dec 2023
Haggai the Prophet; Modestos, Abp. of Jerusalem 16 Dec 2023

11th Sunday of Luke — Mode 3
Daniel & the Three Holy Youths Dionysios of Zakynthos 17 Dec 2023
Ten Martyrs of Crete; Consecration of Hagia Sophia 23 Dec 2023

Sunday Before Nativity — Mode 4
Eve of the Nativity of Christ; Eugenia the Nun-martyr of Rome 24 Dec 2023
Anysia of Thessaloniki; Gideon of Mount Athos 30 Dec 2023

Sunday Before Epiphany — Mode Pl. 1
Apodosis of the Nativity; Malania, Nun of Rome 31 Dec 2023

The Liturgical Year

Four books contain the festal services necessary for the liturgical year. The Menaion, the Triodion, the Pentecostarion, and the Octoechos. Visit Holy Transfiguration Monastery Publications: The Liturgical Year Introduced.