Daily Lectionary Readings

Daily Sequential Hymnal

Saint Romanos the Melodist.Speak to one another in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs! Sing and chant to the Lord in your heart, always giving thanks for everything in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, even to God the Father.

— Ephesians 5:19-20

The compilations below are the Vespers, Orthros, Typika and Divine Liturgy Sequential Hymnals in English. The Sequential Hymnal contains the entire service including the Epistle and Gospel readings and the special hymns for the day for our upcoming services:

  • June 22, 2024 Hymnal
    Liturgy [Music]

  • June 29, 2024 Hymnal
    Liturgy [Music]

  • July 13, 2024 Hymnal
    Orthros | Liturgy

Music and text versions of the sequential hymnals for the worship services are provided as PDF files. These sequential hymnals are meant to be either downloaded for viewing on your electronic device during the service or to be printed out ahead of time, if you perfer to use a paper copy.

Previous Hymnals

2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024

Service Title Date Type Music Text
Ten Martyrs of Crete; Consecration of Hagia Sophia 23 Dec 2023 Liturgy [music]
Plato of Ancyra; Victor and Stephanie 18 Nov 2023 Matins [music]
Typika [music]
Holy Protection of the Theotokos; Terrence and Eunice 28 Oct 2023 Matins [music]
Liturgy [music]
Conception of John the Baptist; Xanthippe & Polyxene 23 Sep 2023 Matins [music]
Liturgy [music]
Adrian, Natalia & 33 Companions; Righteous Joseph 26 Aug 2023 Matins [music]
Liturgy [music]
Andrew & his 2,593 soldiers; Timothy, Agapius and Thecla 19 Aug 2023 Small Paraklesis [music]
Photios & Aniketos of Nicomedea; 12 Soldier-Martyrs of Crete 12 Aug 2023 Small Paraklesis [music]
Mary Magdalene, Myrrhbearer; Markella of Chios 22 Jul 2023 Matins [music]
Liturgy [music]
Hieromartyr Helladios; John the Russian of Evia 27 May 2023 Matins [music]
Liturgy [music]
Theodore the Sykeote; Nathaniel, Luke, & Clemente 22 Apr 2023 Matins [music]
Liturgy [music]
Crescens the Martyr; Leonidas, Bishop of Athens 15 Apr 2023 Pre-Res [music]
Paschal Matins [music]
Aristarchos, Pudens, Trophimos; Thomais of Alexandria 14 Apr 2023 Matins [music]
Martin, Pope of Rome 13 Apr 2023 Matins [music]
Annunciation of the Theotokos 25 Mar 2023 Matins [music]
Liturgy [music]
The Commemoration of the Miracle of Kollyva wrought by Saint Theodore the Tyro 04 Mar 2023 Matins [music]
Tarasios, Pat. of Constantinople; Reginos, Bp. of Skopelos 25 Feb 2023 Matins [music]
Liturgy [music]
Vlassios, Martyr of Sebaste; Theodora the Empress 11 Feb 2023 Matins [music]
Ephraim the Syrian; Isaac the Syrian 28 Jan 2023 Matins [music]
Liturgy [music]

This is an historical listing of all the services celebrated at the Maui Greek Orthodox Christian Mission for the year selected.