Daily Lectionary Readings
Daily Sequential Hymnal
“Speak to one another in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs! Sing and chant to the Lord in your heart, always giving thanks for everything in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, even to God the Father.”
— Ephesians 5:19-20
The compilations below are the Vespers, Orthros, Typika and Divine Liturgy Sequential Hymnals in English. The Sequential Hymnal contains the entire service including the Epistle and Gospel readings and the special hymns for the day for our upcoming services:
- March 22, 2025 Hymnal
Orthros [Music] | Liturgy [Music] - April 12, 2025 Hymnal
Deacon's Orthros | Deacon's Liturgy
Music versions of the sequential hymnals for the worship services are provided as PDF files. These sequential hymnals are meant to be either downloaded for viewing on your electronic device during the service or to be printed out ahead of time, if you prefer to use a paper copy.
Previous Hymnals
Service title | Date | Type | Music | Text |
Leave-taking of the Feast of the Entry, and Memory of the Holy Great Martyr Catherine | 25 Nov 2017 | Matins | [music] | |
We celebrate the commemoration of the Holy Protecting Veil of our Most Holy Lady, the Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary | 28 Oct 2017 | Matins | [music] | |
The Conception of the Honorable and Glorious Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist John | 23 Sep 2017 | Matins | [music] | |
10th Sunday of Matthew | 13 Aug 2017 | Matins | [music] | |
Mary Magdelene, the Holy Myrrh-bearer and Equal to the Apostles | 22 Jul 2017 | Matins | [music] | |
The Birth of the Honorable and Glorious Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist John | 24 Jun 2017 | Matins | [music] | |
Saturday Morning Prayers, Saint Ephraim the Syrian, Saint Isaac the Syrian | 28 Jan 2017 | Matins | [music] | |
15th Sunday of Luke, Timothy the Apostle of the 70, The Righteous Martyr Anastasius of Persia | 22 Jan 2017 | Matins | [music] | |
Liturgy | [music] |